Showtune . . . onstage & off

Monday, January 30, 2006

thanks billy & twyla

I have been told that I need to write more often. Apparently, "people are talking". Hmmmm. Work has been quite busy and it seems that when I have time to write, I have little to say, at least of any significance. Our dear Mrs. Astor always seems to have something insightful, or at the very least, entertaining! Yet still, when I started this whole blogging thing, I did find it therapeutic, so, for today, I shall go with that.

I have a slight obsession with a new musical. Ok, so it's not new, but it's new to me. I had never wanted to see MOVIN' OUT, yet in the month of January, I saw it 5 times in its entirety, 3/4 of a performance and half of act one of another performance. To quote a friend of mine, "without wanting to sound trite, it's brilliant." And it is. Now, it certainly helps that it has hot dancers and Billy Joel music, but I just am floored by this show. INCREDIBLE.

Today is a gray South Florida day and I needed sun, as I'm feeling a little blue. My most recent NYC guest left early this morning and I suppose that's a part of it. I think part of it is this insane MOVIN' OUT thing too. I love my job. I get paid to do what I love (not nearly enough, but oh well), though I wonder if I still get 'attached' to shows too much. As a kid, I used to fall into a small depression when a production I was part of ended. Since I'm not really "attached" to specific touring productions that are only here for a short time, I didn't think when I started this job that it would happen, but it seems to be. I don't know why and I wish it didn't happen. Perhaps the best way to look at it is that it affects me and makes me 'feel'. Good, right?

Hey, I figured out to add pictures to these blogs . . . oh boy! WOO HOO!

Well, closing time is rapidly approacing and although it wasn't in the initial plans (and I'm tired) I believe the Palace is calling me for a cocktail . . .

Viva la musical!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

An update - thank the gods - it's to hard to get you on the phone and an update every month is unacceptable. Personally I still find bloggin odd but if you are going to do then updates are required. Love you bunny!!!

11:23 PM  
Blogger Showtune said...

my dear chele . . . I've been too busy chasing dancers and helping them out of their dance belts to be writing here!

10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unacceptable excuse... I will find a way to sic the Palace gang on you if you keep you your internet silence. There must be saucy updates weekly at least mister...

2:28 PM  
Blogger Black and Tan Mark said...

I want to thank you for availing tickets to last Tuesday's show. My coworker Maria (and just like Ms. Bees Knees, a renowned collector and trader of homosexuals) enjoyed the show so much she brought her Billy Joel CDs out of retirement and has been listening to them all week.
I was in awe of the singer/piano player, not to mention the dancers - have never really taken to dance myself, but this really brought me around to appreciating the art of dance. Keep up the good work you do educating students of all ages (myself included!)


10:38 PM  
Blogger Officer Brian said...

Matthew...I'm coming down tomorrow for 12 days of the Wonderbread comfort!

11:38 AM  
Blogger Showtune said...

Brian -
I KNOW! I've been counting the days! I am going to Orlando tomorrow and return Monday. Shall we plan on The Palace that night? I should be so lucky as to give you my 'comfort' . . .

3:01 PM  

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