Showtune . . . onstage & off

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The L Word

It seems I've been away for such a long time. I have so much to write today, but don't know where to begin. I am still out of town and tomorrow must return to work. Love my job . . . can't deal with my bipolar boss. So many possiblilities that can occur regarding that over the next few weeks.

Meanwhile 30 rapidly approaches . . . we are almost counting single digit days! YIKES!

And on the homefront, I have learned that it's best to be careful what you wish for . . . you just might get it . . . and with that, I'll finally say it to myself . . . I am falling in love . . .


Blogger Alexis du Bois said...

Who? Who? Who?

You know I won't breathe a word to Society With a Past members! I better see you at The Palace soon; it make me giggly to wonder.....

10:36 PM  
Blogger Showtune said...


You'll see him Halloween weekend. You won't be surprised. ;)

7:59 PM  
Blogger Officer Brian said...

Matty...are you giving him the Wonderbread comfort?

9:33 PM  

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