Showtune . . . onstage & off

Monday, September 26, 2005

So much to say, so much to lose

There is SO much I have to write today but alas, it is swirling around in my head right now, giving me a migraine. And then there's the fact that if the information is put into the wrong hands, the risk of loss is immeasurable. Do I dare put this on paper for myself to see and re-examine? So much has happened. I don't know who is writing the script that is my life, but he should be taken out back and beaten! I can't figure out if it's a comedy or a tragedy! Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! What I know is that life seems quite unfair. Why, when the protagonist finally gets his act together, seems to know what he wants and is headed down the right track to accomplishing that, does a new character, who has been longed for seemingly forever, and who fits so perfectly into that desired structure, enter, only to say "I'm perfect except for one itty bitty detail"? Aaaaaaaah, details. And when it's a detail such as this, is it a 'problem' or merely a 'challenge'? And if it's a 'challenge' is the new character as prepared to face it as the protagonist, or does he see it as a 'problem' and will he simply run? Oh how one itty bitty detail can ruin what would otherwise be mere perfection! So for now, I trudge on, trying to put the pieces together, hoping beyond hope that it will work out in my favor . . .


Blogger Alexis du Bois said...

Girl, what pills are you taking?

1:18 PM  
Blogger Showtune said...

clearly not the right ones!

9:59 AM  

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