It would seem that after two years and a number of hurricanes, I'd be used to the South Florida weather and these lovely storms. Yet, each new one brings a series of inexplicable uprisings.
Although my office in Ft. Lauderdale was open for business yesterday, living in S0uth Beach dictated that I not drive up. Fortunately, I had brought my laptop home Monday night and was able to do work at home. The afternoon brought one of the famous Palace Hurricane Parties, continuing from Monday night's festivities. I believe that I have been added to Mrs. Astor's "Gang of Twelve" and find that fun & exciting. I do however feel that I am more on the outskirts of that group and not truly "in" the gang. Sometimes I think that's ok and other times, not so much. At any rate, The Palce did not fail us and proved once again that anything can and will happen there, with or without the forces of Mother Nature as is evidenced by . . .
This morning when I spoke to my favorite Puerto Rican and he informed me that he would no longer be going out with me because every time he does, he gets involved in drama. For some reason it's my fault that he decided The Palace would be a good idea for him yesterday. I reminded him of my lack of involvement, as I was a good boy and have been lately. I think that is part of the problem. It's very difficult to have morals and live in South Beach. Ahh, the duality of it all!
I find myself sitting and staring at a computer screen pondering what my next move is. Is it time for a change? How drastic? Have I lied to myself? Have I created thoughts in my mind that don't really exist? Damnit when the brain goes into overdrive! While this writing is starting to prove somewhat therapeutic, I wonder if it only perpetuates the overactivity of the brain waves. And why do we express ourselves in a forum for all to see? Hmmmmmmmmm.
In the meantime, happy trails to the boys heading back up north and hoping you'll be back soon!