Showtune . . . onstage & off

Monday, May 22, 2006

Gators Gators Everywhere

First of all, yes, it's been less than a week since my last post! Ok, stop it! I know, I know! Surprise! I just had to write about my adventures this past weekend . . .

With all of this alligator nonsense and the Miami Herald's blasphemising of these cretures, and of course, Mrs. Astor's daily blog about them, I decided to take matters into my own hands. Although he was a little devlish, I survived unscathed and still maintaining all of my appendages which was no small feat . . . at one point, this guy (lets call him Al) started to get a little frisky thinking that I was his betrothed. I quickly pulled out my Oil of Olay and remoisturized, shedding my gator skin and regaining my baby's bottom softness! That turned him off and once we had returned to his hole in the everglades, he bid my a fond farewell and off I went . . . again, no easy task! Do you know how difficult it is to maintain style, poise and grace in an airboat?!?! Hello!

Well, I did and have returned to mainstream South Florida life. Instead of chasing gators this week, I think I'll go back to latinos . . .

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Aaaaaaaaaah, the pressure!

For fear of being outcast by Mrs. Astor, I am updating this silly blog. I'm not sure why our darling of society is instilling her wrath upon us mere peasants who work in the fields all day and have such little to say (at least of any value); however, she has, so to keep my status, I have posted a photo and a composition! So lay off! :)

This photo is from a few weeks ago at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts on the opening night of the national tour of CHICAGO. Of course, in the best of taste, I took my Broadway Bitch . . . er, I mean . . . Broadway Baby! Who's cuter? (at least one has the sense to drink!)

In general, things are in a rather interesting state of flux right now. I am pro-actively searching for a new venture for work. The pros of loving my job have finally been outweighed by the cons of . . . well, to keep myself employed for the time being . . . a supervisor of great . . . something to remain unsaid. So, I am on the path of searching for better employment.

This time of year is a bit crazy . . . end of season hubbub and some travel here & there. I feel a lack of breathing.

Today is a lugubrious day in South Florida. Last night saw thunderstorms and although we need the rain, I am not ready to be awakened in the middle of the night by lighting outside my window. There are SO many other ways I can think of to wake me out of a sound sleep . . .

Many things swirling through my pea-brained head, but for those . . . well, you must drink with me at the Palace! :)

Keep singin' & smilin' . . .

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

this week

It's COLD.
My boss is an ASS.
Enuf said.