What to say when you have nothing to say?
At the risk of being reprimanded again for not posting enough, I decided that today I shall post. But I have nothing to say. Two and a half weeks ago, I nearly collapsed from physical exhaustion and wound up with a flu-like sickness. It lingers today. Twice I thought I had recouperated and immediately jumped into my tights thinking that I was once again Gay Superman and overdid it. I would up flat on my back sick again (not a cute position for a top!)
Not even a Z-pack helped these old bones get better. Gotta love a virus, right? Ugh! Nothing to do but rest & wait. Ah well. Hopefully this weekend will bring some well-deserved R & R. (and I don't mean rubber & rimming). Well, maybe a little.
The worst part of not feeling well . . . I'm not at the Palace! In addition to having withdrawl, I fear that there might be another one of those nasty uprisings and my place in the Tinkerbell Legion may be at risk! Never fear, I'm wearing my fairy wings about the hospital ward! Now I just need my Puerto Rican nurse to start wearing hers!